Dog Harness for Tiny Dogs – Head-in Style

toy poodle wearing a harness

An essential piece of apparel for most tiny dogs is a harness. Paired with a leash, harnesses keep your pup safe and secure while enjoying the outdoors during such activities as walking or jogging. There are two styles of harnesses: step-in style and head-in style. The style you choose depends on you and your pup. … Read more

Tiny Dog Harnesses – Step-in Style

An essential piece of apparel for most tiny dogs is a harness. Paired with a leash, harnesses keep your pup safe and secure while enjoying the outdoors during such activities as walking or jogging. There are two styles of harnesses: step-in style and head-in style. The style you choose depends on you and your pup. … Read more

Waterproof Coats for Small Dogs

We get a fair amount of chilly winter rain (and very occasionally snow) here in Northeast Texas. I know I can feel the eye roll from here my Maine friends, “you call that weather?!”. It might not be subzero temps here, but I still want to keep my Toy Poodles comfortable. If you own a … Read more

Dog Bike Trailer Stroller Combo

dog riding in trailer behind bicycle

Whether you’re looking to update your current stroller or just getting into biking with your pup, there is a great dog bike trailer stroller combo on this list for you. A dog bike trailer stroller combo gives you the opportunity to stroll with your pups and take them with you on your bike rides. No … Read more

Dog Strollers for Two Small Dogs

two small dogs in a stroller

Dog strollers for two small dogs come in a few different styles. The side-by-side stroller, which resembles a baby stroller, works well for pets that need their own space. The double decker stroller also offers each pet their own space, but in a stacked design rather than side-by-side. Then you have the stroller with a … Read more