About Camille – Founder



My name is Camille, founder of Toy Poodle Time website. I’ve loved animals since I was a kid, especially dogs. Growing up we had chickens, cats, dogs, guinea pigs, lizards, snakes, you name it. I don’t think there was ever a time that we didn’t have a pet as part of our family.

Years ago, my boyfriend brought home a tiny beautiful red Toy Poodle. From the minute I laid eyes on Sparky, my heart was his! I loved everything about this little guy- his playfulness, his intelligence, his quirks, his CUTENESS! Sparky brought me so much happiness that I made it my mission to make his life the best it could be by educating myself all about Poodles. I guess you could say he “sparked” my passion for Poodles!

After Sparky passed away, I didn’t think I could ever get another Poodle. I felt like it wouldn’t be fair to his memory, like I was replacing him and all the love and joy he brought me. Then along came Finny, a beautiful little white Toy Poodle, with his own quirky personality and playfulness, and I knew it was time for me to open my heart again. Finny taught me that I was capable of feeling that joy again. That loving him was helping me heal. He patiently waited by my side unconditionally while I made my way through the grieving process. Finny wasn’t much of a talker, but he would definitely let you know if he wanted something, like when he figured it was time for bed. He would walk over to the bedroom stairs, look back at me, look to the bedroom, then back again. This would go on for several minutes until finally he’d had enough, and I would feel a tiny paw scratching my leg as if to say, “it’s time for bed, mom, let’s go!” Such a character.

Along the way, I’ve learned how fascinating Poodles are. They are such amazing little beasties! My passion for Poodles, especially Toy Poodles, led me to develop toypoodletime.com. My goal is to present quality information that you find informative and interesting, but more importantly, you have fun learning all about Toy Poodles.

So… welcome to my website! Please feel free to leave questions and comments for me. Thank you for visiting!

All the best,




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